Off To College – First-Aid Kit

Off To College – First-Aid Kit

When your child heads off to college, you might be concerned about medications and other first-aid supplies needed in the event of an emergency. While your child was at home, you likely offered help and advice, when it was needed, regarding the types of medications and treatments for everything from common colds to cuts. One of the things to include in the items that your child takes to college is a first-aid kit. It doesn’t have to be anything big but should include basic items for common ailments as well as minor injuries that could occur while in the dorm or while living in a private home.

Start with the Basics

When you’re packing a first-aid kit for your child, include the basic items first. These are items that are often found in a medicine cabinet at home that your child might not think about having on hand at school. Include a few boxes of bandages that are in different sizes. You also want to include gauze in different sizes for when there are sprains or cuts that need to be left alone. Tape and antibiotics can also be included in the kit. Add an ice pack for everything from sprains to injuries that can’t be treated right away. This will help to keep swelling down for at least the first 24 hours. A heating pad is good to add to the kit as well. The pad can stimulate blood flow and it can provide comfort when battling colds or the flu.


There are a few medications that you want your child to have on hand for when they are needed. Put a few different pain relievers in the kit, such as one designed for inflammation and one designed for headaches. Don’t leave out antacids. This is one item that some college students don’t think about, but when they are trying new foods, they might discover that their stomach becomes upset. Cough medications and cough drops are also good to put in the kit along with allergy medications in case your child comes in contact with something that causes an allergic reaction. If your child takes any prescription medications, then you need to make sure these are filled before your child leaves for college.


Aside from the basic items, pack a few tools that can be used for emergencies that could arise as well as common illnesses. The kit should include a thermometer, tweezers, and eyewash in the event of getting substances in the eyes during classes or while around dust or other small types of debris.

All of the items for the kit can be put in a small plastic tote that can easily be stored in the bathroom or in your child’s closet or dresser. Include the phone number to your child’s medical doctor as well as a list of emergency contacts in the kit. You also need to include health insurance information, your child’s blood type, and similar details in the event of an emergency that requires your child being taken to a hospital, or emergency doctor, such as Sacred Heart Emergency Center.

Sacred Heart believes having these supplies ready and at-hand for your child will give you more sense of security as they venture off to college, on their own. While they still may need to call you for questions, having a first-aid kit handy will be of great benefit to your child. We are pleased to serve the Houston, Texas area, offering comprehensive laboratory, emergency pharmacy, dedicated procedural and pediatric suites, ultrasound, x-ray and CT scanning capabilities, all within our immediate, 24-hour, care facility.